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Crazy horse in a sentence

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Sentence count:34Posted:2018-10-19Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: hobbyhorsecharley horsecrazyhorseshoe crablike crazycrazy quiltbe crazy abouthorseMeaning: n. a chief of the Sioux who resisted the invasion of the Black Hills and joined Sitting Bull in the defeat of General Custer at Little Bighorn (1849-1877). 
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(31) If it's the same show as the one listed on the marquee for Neil Young and Crazy Horse in the third row in Figure 3, then it's a nice example of Linked Data serendipity—and must have been quite a show.
(32) The French are known for all things sexy and the French import MGM Grand's Crazy Horse Paris is no exception to the rule.
(33) Government secretly send soldiers, hoping to seize the Crazy Horse force their compliance.
(34) Forget when you sweated on me like some crazy horse?
More similar words: hobbyhorsecharley horsecrazyhorseshoe crablike crazycrazy quiltbe crazy abouthorsesawhorseone-horsewarhorsehorsemanseahorsehorseflysea horsehorselesshorse racehorsebackhorsehairhorseshitworkhorsewild horsehorsetailhorseshoeracehorsedark horsehorse carthorseplaymale horsedead horse
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